24 November 2022

 Good Morning to all Parents, Grandparent and Care givers of Coffs Harbour Scout Group.

Our scout group has a parent committee that meets once per term to discuss and organize the financial matters, maintenance, hall hire and grant needs of our group. 

we use to meet at the hall but as with lots of things that was interrupted by Covid, we currently meet at the CEX club during Cub night activities 6pm to 7pm Thursday evenings usually mid term.

The meeting is on tonight if anyone would like to pop in and say hi.

We are a very casual committee,4 hours a year is generally all the commitment required face to face most of our work is done via email and text. 

The Roles we have in our committee is 

Chairperson who calls the meetings

Secretary who takes the minutes

Treasure who organizes the group fees and sends out invoices, organizes our yearly audit

Group Leader who liazes with section leaders and the PSG committee

Hall Hire who takes calls from people who wish to hire the hall and organizes the hall hire diary.

Our Current Hall hire person would like to move on from this Role so if anyone feels they can step in to this role please come along to night or email me at Vanessa.Powell@nsw.scouts.com.au

Other roles come up at various times when we have grants to organize.

All are welcome.

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