25 November 2022

 Coffs Harbour Scout Group Fees explained

NSW Scouts which Coffs Harbour Scout Group is a part of have a yearly fee that goes to NSW Scouts to pay for  Public Liability and personal Injury for your child to participate in the range of activities provided by Coffs Harbour Scouts 

    (Off the NSW Scout Web Page) if you are joining Scouts for the first there is a one-time joining fee     of $55 plus an annual Scouts NSW membership fee of $250, which includes personal accident and     public liability insurance cover. 

This will be sent by email to the person named as the primary contact for the child. It is usually billed in May for the year, but if you join mid year you will be billed for the part of year left till the next billing cycle. 

This is different to The Coffs Harbour Scout Fee which is billed by our Treasurer the first term you join any Section of Coffs Harbour Scout group you will be sent an Invoice (Bill) for 

$118 this includes $68 group fee, $20 for our scarf and woggle and $30 for our red group shirt, for your first term then it will be $68 per term after that.

A separate Purchase of a formal group shirt and hat is made by the parent/ care giver from scoutshop.com.au

Our Bank Details are as follows

Regional Bank Australia

BSB 732-000

Account No. 500154705

Please use the invoice number and your Childs first initial and last name as reference when paying fees.

Active kids Vouchers can be used to pay part of the Scout NSW fee.

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