19 July 2020

Scouts - Back "Home" - 22 July 2020

We're back in the hall. That's right we can now meet inside the hall. Please see the email sent to ALL Coffs Harbour Scout Group members about the rules we need to follow.

  • This night will be one of games and planning.
  • Anyone who hasn't completed the Planning form sent by Quoll, please have a go.
  • If you want to do a Special Interest Award this term, bring your ideas and we will plan it.
  • Full uniform.
  • If you have been to a Hotspot area (including Melbourne or south-west Sydney), or have any cold or flu like symptoms please don't come. Just let Butch, Quoll or Matt know.
Let's all keep safe

Other sections, your leaders will let you know the plans.

 Looking forward to seeing you.

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