21 July 2020

CUBS Thursday 23/7 Unit Council

Hi Cubs,

The Patrol Leaders & Assistant Patrol leaders will be meeting at the Hall (So good to be allowed back in the Hall) this week to assist the Leaders with the Term 3 & 4 Planning.

All PLs & APLs will receive a Care Monkey invitation to attend. Please respond to the invitation so we know if you are coming or not.

The same as the last term Cubs need to be dropped off outside the Hall, There will be a Hand Sanitiser station at the front door that all Cubs must use.

If your Cub has any Cold or Flu like symptoms please do not send them to Cubs.  

Due to the current Covid restrictions only PLs & APLs are able to attend this Thursday.  We have a limit of 20 people allowed to attend , including the leaders. 

We hope to have a full term posted on the Blog after Thursday night. With instruction on how we will be able to include everyone in all the activities.

Looking forward to catching up with you all


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