04 May 2020

Scouts - Special Interests - Learning and Quizzing - Wednesday 6 April 2020

What will you learn, can you remember it?

Two scouts will be teaching us something, and quizzing us.

You will need:
  • Your zoom device
  • A 2nd device to enter your Kahoot answers
  • Two pieces of coloured wool (we may be doing knots, maybe)

In the coming weeks (things you need to prepare for:
20 May - Jambowlree - Scouts need to make their own bowling alley, whether with soda bottle pins, or toilet rolls. We will be having a bowling competition on the night
23 May - Virtual Camping - Scouts will be camping out at home. Schedule to be sent separately.

We're starting to plan a day hike for later in the term so we're ready when restrictions are lifted. It will be in the local area and planned by the scouts.

Yours in Scouting,

Butch, Quoll & Wombat

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