11 March 2020

Scouts - Survival Skills - Wed 11 Mar 2020

I will survive!

  • Second night of preparations for our Capture the Flag / Survival camp.
  • Butch's survival skills
  • Bring your $15 for camp fees
  • Full uniform
  • Normal times at the hall 7pm - 9pm
A few notes:
  • The camp is this weekend. The CareMonkey for the camp (14-15 March 2020) has gone out, please respond.
  • Scouts Abseil weekend at Camp Eagle Eye on 4 April 2020. Registrations for the Abseil weekend close this week. Registrations at NCR Events  https://events.northcoastscouts.com.au/event/54 
  • Are you coming to Harry Hazell's Queen Scout presentation (15 March 2020) - see the CareMonkey. What an achievement!

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