24 September 2019

Scouts - Ice-skating and Pizza - Fri 12 April 2019

Share the ice, bring a friend!!

Please respond by CareMonkey
At the Big Banana Ice Rink
Start: 6:50pm for the 7pm session
Finish at 9pm
Red shirt
$15 includes entry and pizza

Note it's Friday NOT Wednesday

A few notes:
      • JOTA/JOTI is just after the holidays. Registrations open for an Orama District camp in Sawtell, closing on 30/09/2019. Quoll will be there, are you coming. Go to: https://events.northcoastscouts.com.au/event/33 
      • Splashdown Canoe Camp is in November and registrations are open. Best for those with some canoe skills as it's a lightweight canoe journey. A lot of fun. Limited places. Go to:  https://events.northcoastscouts.com.au/event/13
      • Congratulations to Zach on receiving his Australian Scout Medallion in Sydney . Photos to come.

Back next term on Wednesday 16 October 2019.

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