20 September 2019

CUBS Hall Sleepover Saturday 21/09

Hi Cubs,

Hope you are all excited about the Hall Sleepover tomorrow night.

Here is a reminder of the details

We will be having a Sleep over in the hall on Saturday 21st September 2019. Starting at the Hall at 1400hrs (2:00 pm)

Cubs will need to be collected at 1100hrs (11:00 am) Sunday 22nd September 2019

We will be having games, a short hike, allocating the New Cub Badges and a film in the hall. . It is also a leadership opportunity for Cubs who have been to camps before to lead those whom are new to Cubs Camps.


Cubs please bring:
  1. Change of clothes: Wear your red Shirt Saturday but have a spare set of clothes for Sunday
  2.  PLEASE BRING YOUR CUB UNIFORM SHIRT you will need it to add/Check your new Badges 
  3.  Must wear enclosed shoes with socks
  4. Sleeping gear (Stretcher/mat, Sleeping bag, Blankets & Pillow etc) No Air Mattress please as these are not permitted at camps. Self-inflating sleeping mats are OK.
  5.  Pyjamas
  6. Wash Kit; Toothbrush & Tooth Paste etc
  7. Mess Kit; Plate, Bowl, Knife fork and spoon, Mug & tea towel all in a draw sting Bag (Please put your name on the bag)
  8. Camp Chair (for film)
  9. A favourite Board game to play with your patrol

All food is provided. Please do not bring any food. There will be ample to go around.

We will cater for those with any special dietary requirements. Please let one of the leaders know if your Cub has special dietary requirements. Special dietary requirements mean any food types that will result in a medical emergency. (Example; a Nut allergy or a Coeliac) It is not a preference on what they like to or are willing to eat.
Please text Geoff (Skipper) if you have any questions. 0419 977 776

See you all Saturday afternoon


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