07 May 2019

SCOUTS - Construction Night - Wed 8 May 2019

Image result for scout bridge

Tell me it's knot so!!
Bridging the gap between can, and do
(can we do as good as these scouts?).

  • Full uniform
  • Bring a warm jumper in case we work outside
  • Back to the usual time and place - 7pm at the hall 

A few notes

  • Registrations for Region Rally are open, but not for much longer. Are you coming? https://events.northcoastscouts.com.au
  • The term program is on the blog (top right). We need scouts to volunteer to lead some nights or activities (with our help).
  • Have your parents filled in and returned their Adult Helper form with their Working With Children Check (they need to for Family camp)?
  • Fees were emailed recently, and some from last term are still outstanding.

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