24 March 2016

***URGENT - Cub BOOM Camp E1

Hi Cubs,

Deadline for Camp is FRIDAY 01/04/2016. Sorry for the short notice everyone.

We need all completed E1 & Payment by next Thursday night.

Download the E1 here

Completed E1's can be emailed to shaun.lawer@ghd.com  or bring them with you to cubs next Thursday.

Cost per Cub will be $85.00. This covers cost of all activities , Camping and Food.

Please make payment  to the on line with reference Surname CCamp

Bank Details
Holiday Coast Credit Union
Account Name: Scout Association
BSB: 802214
Account: 132039

Parent Helpers MUST Have their Working With Children Check (WWCC)completed and have the number to us two weeks prior to the camp. Cost for Parent helper is $35 to cover all food (Payable online as above). Parent Helpers will also need to complete an E1

Please note the close of camp application date - Friday 1st April - Sorry No exceptions as we have to have our group money in by this date. If there is any concern over payment, please speak to one of our leaders as soon as possible.

A Camp gear list will follow closer to the date.

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