10 August 2021

Scouts and Cubs - Stars and Games - Wednesday 11 August 2021



Starry, starry night

  • Cubs 6.30pm - 8pm; Scouts 6.30pm - 8.30pm
  • Looking at the stars and playing outdoors games
  • Red shirt
  • Bring a head lamp, it'll be dark
  • Wear warm clothes
  • Bring a water bottle
  • Lift Off Camp is postponed for 12 months becasue of the Sydney lockdown.
  • We don't have to do Operoo at the moment unless it's an adventurous activity. Blog posts for normal evenings, now.

Please remember if you've been to a coronavirus hotspot in the last 2 weeks (definitely Sydney at the moment), or have any coronavirus or cold like symptoms please don't come. And, if you've been tested and asked to isolate, please do.

Yours in Scouting,

Butch, Quoll & Wombat



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