03 May 2021

Scouts - Badges and Special Interest Awards - Wednedsay 5 May 2021



Change of plan from the program - we're looking at badge work, in particular Special Interest Awards

  • 7pm - 9pm
  • Full Uniform
  • If you aren't on Terrain|Scouts yet, bring a device (or parent with device) with access to an email address and Quoll will get you on. You need to receive a verification link in your email.
  • Bring your creativity!!!
  • Remember - Jamboree of the Trail walk this weekend - Saturday 8 May 9am - 3pm. Will go towards level 3 hiking.
  • Region Rally is coming up - 28-30 May. Are you planning on coming - talk to Quoll and Butch - register at: https://events.greaterwestscouts.com.au/ (yes it is correct)

Scouts Halls are required to use QR codes to check in all attendees. Please have a smart phone ready when you arrive to check in.

Please remember if you've been to a coronavirus hotspot in the last 2 weeks (that's Perth at the moment), or have any coronavirus or cold like symptoms please don't come.

Please fill in the form below to let us know if your child is coming this week.

Yours In Scouting,

Butch, Quoll & Wombat


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