03 June 2020

Cubs 04/06 We are Back! Well Sort of!!

Hi Cubs,

The  leaders have been working hard to come up with a plan for the rest of Term 2.

Happy to say it is going to be a mixture of Face to Face Outdoor Scouting and ZOOM Activities.

All going well we will be having Groups of 8 cubs attend Outdoor Scouting activities on a Thursdays whilst the remainder of the unit will be doing online Scouting.

We will email you all with your allocated Group and you will be contacted by the leader for the activity you will be programmed for.

If you have any problems email your Leader for that weeks activity and we will do our best to sort it out.

We have not forgotten our New Chums that need Investing - we are waiting on the delivery of our scarves and then we will do our best to have you all invested by the end of the Term.

We will also need some Parent Helpers to assist with ZOOM Meetings, so if mum or dad would like to get involved please encourage them to complete the Parent Helper form. Email us for details

Please check your emails for further details

All of us Leaders are looking forward to seeing you all soon


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