04 December 2019

Active Kids Rebates

Please note, Scouts NSW will stop accepting 2019 AKR vouchers both 1 & 2 from 5pm on Friday 13th December.  This is to allow processing of all 2019 vouchers in 2019 as a requirement from the NSW Government.  You will be able to start lodging your 2020 vouchers from the 2nd January 2020.

If you are wanting to claim your Active Kids rebate please follow this simple procedure.

1.Claim via the RMS your voucher

2.Make sure you have your childs scout membership number handy

3.Log onto Scouts Australia NSW website

4.click parents tab and scroll down to Active kids

5. Click on I am an active member and follow prompts.  When completed press submit button and you will receive a msg accepting your voucher.

Be sure all of these steps are completed by the date indicated above.

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