12 November 2019

SCOUTS - Cancelled - Wed 13 Nov 2019

Due to the fires and people impacted Scouts is cancelled Wednesday night.

Any scout who is keen to help those impacted I suggest you think about what donations may be needed, if we can help clear up mess after the fact or anything else after this has passed.

We'll be keen to hear your ideas.

The hall is available for scouting families who have been evacuated. Please contact a leader  or Vanessa (the Parent Support Group Chairperson) on 0416 051 474 for access.

No idea about what will be happening with the Rally, please watch this space and your emails.

Our thoughts are with the community and everyone who is impacted at this time. Please stay safe.

Yours in Scouting,

Butch, Quoll, Matt & Josh (Barramundi)

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