15 May 2019

ARP wrap-up

Thank you to all the families who attended the ARP.

Congratulations to all the winners of the lucky door prizes - a special shout our newest scout who showed true strength of character choosing a term without group fees over a Big Banana fun pass, I’m sure mum and dad will appreciate it.

I had planned to upload the reports in a zip file but instead if you would like copies of the reports, including financials, please email me and I will provide.

As mentioned in the ARP we will be changing our policy around fees this term. If you have outstanding fees including for term 2 please pay now as moving forward we will be invoicing several weeks before term starts and fees must be paid by week 3 or unfortunately youth can not attend until they are paid or a formal arrangement is in place. This will include all camps and events, local, district, region etc. We have $5,000 in fees owing currently and this is not sustainable. Leaders and adult helpers give generously their time and while we are not paid your contributions make it easier for us to do what we do. We also incur insurance and other costs for non-paying members. 

Finally my sincere thanks to those who stepped up into formal roles on the Parent Support Group (PSG): Vanessa (Chairperson), Erica (Treasurer), Luci (Quartermaster, badges and uniforms), Tanya (Hall hire - amazingly with no children in scouts!), Nicole (Auditor) and Lynda (a late offer of informal support with possible formal involvement in time). Also thanks to Kylie who is managing our maintenance grant this year. Without your support and the dedication of leaders and adult helpers we simply can not function. 

Please remember if you have time to help out leading, on the PSG, sorting out equipment in the shed, maintenance (eg replacing the leaking tap in the girls toilets), washing tea towels weekly or picking up the mail from the jetty post office every week or two, running a night for any level eg technology, science, music, then we would very much like to hear from you!

Thanks again for your attendance and support - any ideas for next year’s ARP are welcome.

Walla (aka Amanda)
Group Leader

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