23 April 2019

Cubs Camp - CubBoom Fri 3rd May 2019 (3:00 pm) to Sun 5th May 2019 (12.30 pm)

Hi Cubs, Parent Helpers and Youth Helpers,

Time to get excited about CubBoom
Fri 3rd May 2019 (3:00 pm) to Sun 5th May 2019 (12.30 pm)
We'll be heading out to Camp Eagle Eye for a fantastic weekend of activities.

It will be an action packed camp at an awesome campsite with loads of exciting activities, like a Flying Fox, Archery, Crate Stacking , Billy Carts, Screen Printing and loads more!!! You'll met loads of Cubs from the North Coast Region too!

There is heaps of things to do before camp , and it is less than 2 weeks away.

Some things to remember;

  • This is a fully catered Camp so you do not need to bring any food with you. This includes snacks, lollies, chocolate etc. There will be plenty of food and you won't go hungry
  • Camp will be ready to go from 3:00 pm Friday 03/05, however I understand it is a School day so arrival can be anytime from 3:00 pm on wards. Opening Parade will be at approximately 7:00 pm around the fire. If you arrive after dark it is required that the Adult dropping them at camp help the Cub get set up in their allocated tent ready for the first night.
  • We will be providing a sausage sizzle dinner on Friday night so it is advised that cubs have something substantial to eat in the afternoon if they are arriving later to camp on the Friday.
  • Please respond to the CareMonkey request for Cuborama, I need to have everyone's details up to date in case of an emergency.
  • Here is a Suggested Gear List, Remember this is a 2 night camp so pack accordingly.
  • Parent/Youth Helpers attending you will need to provide your own tent, and bring along a mess kit.
Payment for camp Food ($40) is required prior to attending. For those who have paid thank you. If you haven't yet please do so prior to  Friday 26/04 so we can finalise the catering details.

Payment needs to be made to;

Holiday Coast Credit Union
Account Name: Scout Association
BSB: 721-000 Account: 132039

Please use the Following reference when making your payment: Surname-CubBoom

If you have any questions about the camp please email the Cub leaders at cubs@coffsharbourscouts.com.au

There will be lots more information posted to the Blog in the coming days so please keep your eye on the blog and your email


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