21 October 2018


Attention all Rovers, Venturers, Scouts, Cubs and Joeys!!

Scouts are hosting a Mega-Fete and Garage Sale and you're invited.

Please Come:  This day is a chance to promote all sections of Scouting, so please come in full uniform, ready to share your Scouting experiences.  If you have a Scouting Skill you would like to demonstrate on the day, please let us know in advance (Helen's contact details below).

Please Donate:  We will be holding a Garage Sale with clothes, books, gifts, toys, plants and produce and would love to have your donations.  These can be brought to the Scout Hall any time between now and 9th November and placed in the labelled boxes in the garage.

All details on the poster.

Any questions to Helen O'Callaghan on 0478 226 601

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