04 August 2017

Cubs Hall Sleep Over SAT 05/08

Hi Cubs,

Are you ready for a fun filled night sleeping over in the Hall?

We will be meeting at the Hall from at 5:00 pm Saturday 05/08 and you'll need to be picked up by 9:00 am Sunday morning 06/08.

Don't forget to complete your E1 online, Everyone should have got an email with the details of the Hall Sleepover.

Please bring:
Warm Clothing
Mess Kit (Plate, Bowl, Cup, Knife, fork , spoon and Tea Towel all in a bag)
Sleeping gear e.g. Stretcher/mat, Sleeping bag, Blankets &Pillow etc It does get cold in the Hall!
(No Air Mattress please as these are not permitted at camp.)
Toothbrush & Tooth Paste etc
Chair (for film)
A favourite Board game to play with your six

Cost is $10 (cash only) payable on the night for Dinner (Pizza & ice Cream Cones) and Breakfast Sunday Morning(Egg & Bacon Rolls) We will cater for those with any special dietary requirements. Please let a leader know if you have special dietary needs

No Uniform required it’s a Mufti night.

Any Questions in reference to the Hall Sleep over or special dietary requirements please contact Akela (Shaun) on 0402 092 310

See you all there


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