22 March 2017

***Thrills & Skills: Jungle Book Camp UPDATE***

Hi Cubs,

Thrills & Skills: Jungle Book Camp 05/05/2017 to 07/05/2017 Camp Eagle Eye UPDATE.

Please be aware that Coffs Harbour Cubs attending need to be out at Camp Eagle Eye at 0700hrs Saturday 06/05/2017 to get allocated their tent and be ready for Camp Parade in Full uniform at 0800hrs. No Coffs leaders will be at Camp Friday night

All going well our camp site will be ready to go for you all to arrive on Saturday morning. Any Parent Helpers who can lend a hand Friday afternoon 05/05/2017 with setting up, please talk to one of us leaders in the coming weeks for details of the set up on Friday afternoon.

Don't forget to register at https://registrations.ncrscouts.com.au/event/144

Hope your all excited it will be a load of fun!!!!

keep your eye on the Blog for more updates


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