30 January 2017

Joey Scouts - Starting Date and Change in Times

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Joey Scouts will start back on Tuesday 7th February 2017.
Please note that we have a new timeslot of 5.30pm to 6.30pm.

Joey Scouts currently have some spaces available - so if you have a child that is aged 6 -7yo, give Kooka (Kelly Gleeson) a call on 0427 534 917  or email her at joeys@coffsharbourscouts.com.au to find out some more information on how your child can become involved today.


  1. I am so thankful to you for this lovey post of yours which no more than a good news for my little son who has a passion to become a boy scout.

  2. I think in summer vacations such activities should be started by the schools as well. It will be good for them to learn something other than their studies.


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