15 September 2016

CUBS ***Hall Sleep over SATURDAY 17 September ***

Hi Cubs,

We will be having a Sleep over in the hall on Saturday 17th September. Starting at the Hall at 5:30pm Saturday 17th September

Cubs will need to be collected at 8:00 am Sunday Morning

We will be having games & a film in the hall. This is a practice run for those who haven't been to a Cubs Camp yet :-) and a fun night for those who have
Cubs please bring:

Sleeping gear (Stretcher/mat, Sleeping bag, Blankets & Pillow etc) No Air Mattress please as these are not permitted at camp.
Toothbrush & Tooth Paste etc
Chair (for film)
A favorite Board game to play with your six
E1 which can be downloaded here

Cost is $10 (cash only) payable on the night for Dinner (Pizza & ice Cream Cones) and Breakfast Sunday Morning(Pancakes)

We will cater for those with any special dietary requirements.

***Cub Parents*** please be aware that there will be no female leader staying overnight at the hall.
Please contact Shaun if you have any questions. 0402 092 310


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