22 June 2016

CUBS Thursday 23/06/2016 ***Change of Program***

Hi Cubs,

Unfortunately the RFS visit has been cancelled tomorrow night so we will be in the HALL playing some games and practicing our drill and ceremonies.

Good News is we will be visiting the SES on Thursday 30/06. I will post an E1 for it early next week.

So it means our Camp Fire night will now be on first week of term 3. Your leaders will be using the camp fire night as an opportunity for all cubs to contribute to the program for term 3. So get your thinking caps on. We welcome your ideas and suggestions for term 3.


See you all at the Hall on Thursday


p.s. Here is a little test for all you Cub Scouts.

Secret word for this Thursday night is Moogli. Each leader will  be selecting 1 Cub at opening parade to see if they know the secret word. First cub to get the right secret word will be awarded prize.

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