08 April 2014

Scouts - Region Rally

Region Rally is our Major Region Camp for the Year.

I would like many of you as Possible to attend the Rally to represent Coffs Harbour.

Please bring the A1 and Direct Deposit the Money into the Coffs Scout Account by this Thursday Please. If you can not please make arrangements with me to do this after the date. Please follow the  directions below,

Payment is by Direct deposit into our Holiday Coast Credit Union Scout Account (thats the same account  where you pay your fees), and is due by the 21st March-along with the A1. When you make the deposit ensure you put the code  with your "[Family name] ccamp" so I will know you have paid.  Write the date of the payment and the transaction reference number on the very bottom for the first page of the A1 (thats the page you hand back to the leader).  Your leader will not accept any A1's that do not have the date of payment and reference number written on them.  This is a new procedure that will apply to all future camps, for all sections.

A1 - Region Rally 2014

We will be spending the next few Scouts nights preparing for State Rally so you all know what is going to happen.

Region Rally is Light Weight Camping, You will be hiking into Camp Eagle Eye with all your Stuff on your Back. You will need a Hiking Pack to Carry your stuff in. If you do not have one, you do not have to run out and buy one, you could look around to see if you could borrow one. If you do want buy one, please speak to me prior to buying  one as I can give you some tips in buying one to suit you. You will require Hiking Packs a lot through your Scouting Life, so you would consider it worth while if you were to purchase one.

In your packs you will have, your clothes, sleeping gear, food and part of a tent. You are only allowed to carry 20% of your body weight. We will have a test run prior to Rally for you to test it out. You will have your pack weighed on the Friday Night.

Any Questions please let me know, as I reckon a lot of you do.



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